Friday, October 10, 2008


Age Calculator: Program asks for age and prints how many months, weeks, days, hours and minutes old you are.


#include /* Programmed by Harvey Losin *//* *//* */main(){float years;clrscr();printf("Enter your age in years: ");scanf("%f",&years);printf ("\nYou are %.0f months old", years * 12);printf ("\nYou are %.0f weeks old", years * 48);printf ("\nYou are %.0f days old", years * 365);printf ("\nYou are %.0f hours old", years * 8760);printf ("\nYou are %.0f minutes old", years * 525600);getch();}


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Question #5:
Research in the net the most recent assembler. Describe its history, nature and applications. Evaluate this assembler from its predecessor.

Historically, a large number of programs have been written entirely in assembly language. Operating systems were almost exclusively written in assembly language until the widespread acceptance of C in the 1970s and early 1980s. Many commercial applications were written in assembly language as well, including a large amount of the IBM mainframe software written by large corporations.The Assembler for the VIC-20 was written by Don French and published by French Silk. At 1639 bytes in length, its author believes it is the smallest symbolic assembler ever written.
Typically a modern assembler creates object code by translating assembly instruction mnemonics into opcodes, and by resolving symbolic names for memory locations and other entities.[1] The use of symbolic references is a key feature of assemblers, saving tedious calculations and manual address updates after program modifications,Assemblers are generally simpler to write than compilers for high-level languages, and have been available since the 1950s.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Justify what situations or applications programmers will rather use Assembly Languages than Higher Level Programming Languages and vice versa.

Answer: I will choose the higher level of programming language because it is more structured and most of all, it very close to the spoken language and are more intuitive than the assembly language. And it is essay to work on many difference computer operating system.

A high level language isolates the execution semantics of a computer architecture from the specification of the program, making the process of developing a program simpler and more understandable with respect to a low-level language.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Research in the net what is the best assembler and why?

Answer: Assembly language was once the only language that existed for programming computers.There are many assembly language develop available in the PC assembly language program now..the HLA the most popular now. HLA(higher level assembler has been the HLA standard library.. The high level assembler learning and using assembly language a breeze now..


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Dream With Inspiration

I dream because of the people around me my mother,my father and my family.They trust me so I dream because of them and of course because of myself.I want them to be happy and be proud of me.

I dream because of one who inspires me to much and it is our GOD....Yes..He inspires me much because I know that he is helping me to reach my dreams.I know that he is always right here by my side to guide me, so in return,I will do my very best.

But how can I reach these dreams?Aha!!!If there are problems,I will not allow them to be the hindrance in achieving my dreams.I will not let anybody turn my spirit down,Whatever it takes,I'll stand with my faith.

I'll never stop until I reach the sky.I will just walk along the pathway that God gave me and I will strive,Hope and Pray that I will succeed.

I can do these thing because I will love my Family and I truly Trust God.Because of them and wih my strong determination.I believe that i can now do it.I CAN NOW REACH MY dreams....
Precious Gift

Everyday I wake up,I always pray to
Lord thanking him that i am still alive and
asking for further protection for the day ahead.
I'm thankful for all the wonderful blessing he
has given me good health,happy family and good
friends around me.Living a simple life is enough
for me but I also Have big dreams for the future.
Life is full of wonders and bring alive is
a big reason to continue the quest of life.

Considering the preciousness of life makes
us think we are luckier than hundreds of people
who die everyday.If the have waken up this morning,
we are luckier than hundreds of people who didn't
If we have eaten our breakfast with rice and viand,
we are luckier than millions of people who sleep on
the cold and dusty streets.Lets consider these
things and consider how lucky we are.

Sometimes,we may think what is the felling
when we are dying,Might it be painful or just bearable?
When we die,when are we going to?Is it to heaven
or to hell?How would are family react when we are lost?
Will they be so hysterical or will simply cry?
Will they show how much they love us or will they
shed to tears?These are just questions that sometimes
we never expect to come into our mind.We tend
to imagine of something that we are also afraid of
happening.But in the end,it makes us realize that the
fact of being alive is one good reason to be grateful
we have a colorful life surrounded by people
who love us.

Life is indeed priceless and there are a lot of
things that we can do to make it more fruitful and
productive.We have to spend our days with direction
for God to see how much we value his gift of life.
We have to use it for his Glory And inspire others
to make better days out of bitter EXPERIENCE.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Question #2.
Question: Research in the net usual application done in assembly language .Describe these applications in assembly language. Describe these applications briefly & Cite the efficiency & effectiveness of these application....

Answer:Computer-based management environment for an assembly language programming laboratory

For me..This is Important bECAUSE you can essayly manage your computer..For example you are a teacher you can,...efficiently manage a course with a large number of students,.For example in my Subject in MCS213..Our Teacher gather our URL..for she can essayly to check all those question she give...